Degrowth effect on Climate Change

Degrowth refers to a set of theories that challenge the economic growth paradigm.   Acknowledgement of our planet's limits, concomitant slowdown in resource extraction, production and consumption, are all part of the agenda. The goal of degrowth is to reduce our dependency on environmentally unsustainable extraction and manufacturing techniques, not necessarily to limit the size of our economy. Climate change challenges cannot be solved without addressing the world's rapidly rising human population, which leads to increased consumption and carbon emissions. The climate change, considered as the greatest concern, is being aggravated by increasing human population pressure, while it continues to impact the planet's inhabitants. De-growth, not only economically but also in terms of population, is the only way to combat climate change. De-growth as a theory condemning economic expansion is based on a number of paradigms, including political ecology, ecological economics, and environmental justice. Conventional climate and environmental policy has evolved over time with the assumption of reducing carbon emissions, preserving ecosystems, and saving endangered species while improving material living standards for everyone on the planet. Degrowth, on the other hand, implies a new type of economy, one that can support development despite a drop in aggregate activity. Degrowth would require societies abandoning the concept that only GDP growth is an adequate sign of growth and instead embracing to live better while producing less   In terms of climate politics, degrowth is still a minor trend, but it's gaining traction.

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