Meet our first list of distinguished speakers
We're adding more every week


Richard Ottinger

Pace University, USA


University of Bordeaux, France

Juergen Reichardt

MSA Muenster School of Architecture, Germany

Albert Fassler

Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

Stefan Brunnhuber

World academy of Art and Science, Germany

Jude Currivan

Co-founder WholeWorld-View, UK

Sun Ho Ro


David M Watry

Campus Hub, University of Malta, Malta

Kunichi Miyazawa

Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Robert MX Wu

University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Viktoriia Ivannikova

Dublin City University, Ireland

Eduard Hochbichler

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria

Nadeem Ullah

Tianjin University, China

Katia Regina Garcia Punhagui

UNILA - Federal University of Latin American Integration, Brazil

A Miguel Piecho-Santos

Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA), Portugal

Jungho Park

Cheongju University, South Korea

Teresa Hoskyns

Cross-cultural Research in Architecture Collective, UK

Paolo Porto

University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Silvana Maria Jose Sione

National University of Entre Rios, Argentina

Daniel DeArmond

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Brazil

Valentino Straser

University of Makeni, Sierra Leone

Juliano Borges

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Andre John Abrahams

The Independent Institute of Education (IIE), South Africa

Jinsong Wu

University of Chile, Chile

Antonio Santoro

University of Florence, Italy

Talita Van Wyk

The Independent Institute of Education (IIE), South Africa

Emina Hadi

University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Xi Wang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Hussein Harahsheh

AL Al Bayt University, Jordan

Dongxing Yu

Sanda University, China

Bih-Chuan Lin

Dayeh University, Taiwan

Alexander A Bubis

V.A.Kucherenko of JSC RCC, Russia

Francisco Ortiz Arango

Universidad Panamericana, Mexico

Azad Bayramov

Republican Seismic Survey Center of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan

Ralph-Uwe Dietrich

German Aerospace Center, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Germany

Eleni G Makri

Unicaf, Cyprus

Carlos Andrs Vergara Espinosa

University of Santander, Colombia

Benjamin Kodai Kaje

Christ University, India

Durgesh Nandini

Explosive and Environment Safety, India

Shahed Saeed Ahmad Alqadi

Applied Science Private University, Jordan

Glenda B Minguito

Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines

Akhanova Tanzilya Rinatovna

Satbayev University, Kazakhstan

Gopal Krishna

ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, India

Siddhartha Narayan Joardar

West Bengal University of Animal and Fisherey Sciences, India

Argenta A Titlyanova

Russian Academy of Science, Russia

Vishal Sharma

Directorate of Higher Education, Panchkula, India

Yathreb Adnan Sabsabi

Beirut Arab University, Lebanon

Ezat Abdelmonem Mersal

Vision College, Saudi Arabia

Chandan Surabhi Das

Barasat Government College, India

Ikechi Kelechi Agbugba

York St John University, UK

Mary Guendy Naguib Ghobrial

Ministry of Education & Scientific Research, Egypt

Eduard Y Khachiyan

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Armenia

Hajira Bibi

Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan

Shilpa Saha

Jadavpur University, India

Poonam Bagora


Pulugurta Krishna Subba Rao

Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering , India

Rustam Singatulin

Engineering and technology group "Kosh-Kort" , Russia

Chiraz Abdelmalak Babbou

University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia

+1 (506) 909-0537